Granlund Manager showcased in APAC Hilton workshop in Myanmar

Granlund manager was presented in an APAC engineering seminar in Myanmar, one of the fastest growing countries in ASEAN.

Granlund was invited to participate in the APAC engineering workshop at the newly renovated Hilton Mandalay. The workshop held June 18-21 in Mandalay, Myanmar brought together Hilton engineers, vendors and related stakeholders from the whole APAC area.

The event included several workshop sessions for the engineers around selected themes. For instance an entire presentation was reserved for showcasing preventive maintenance and energy issues. The seminar program also offered opportunities for networking. 

As part of the program, Granlund Manager and its different features were introduced. The main points of discussion included how users can benefit from Granlund Manager by getting visibility and increased control in their maintenance processes.

“Granlund Manager attracted a huge interest from the engineers and many were very interested in the product,” said Sofia Biström, Software Specialist at Granlund. 

“It was also an excellent opportunity to meet engineers from different Hilton hotels in the whole APAC area, “added David Leff-Hallstein, Granlund´s Sales Director in China and Southeast Asia.