Comments welcomed on building services design process descriptions

New process descriptions for SKOL

At the beginning of 2013, SKOL ry started to create process descriptions for building services design following Granlund’s initiative.

A working group was established to prepare the process descriptions and the group prepared descriptions for three different areas under Granlund’s direction:

  • Suspended ceiling design
  • Hole drawing design
  • Requirement for a structural model concerning the degree of completion before beginning building services modeling

The process descriptions are very interesting and easy to read and you can access them directly here (in Finnish). The process descriptions are now being commented on. You can send your comments to The descriptions will be officially published in early 2014.

In connection with the process descriptions, we also compiled some vocabulary related to the topic and once again described how to set the origin at the beginning of a project. The descriptions can already be used in current projects. They are nothing new or special, but hopefully they will help an entire design team to work consistently in terms of the described design tasks. The process descriptions are also very suitable as primary material in knotworking workshops related to suspended ceiling/hole drawing design. Read more about knotworking here.